What is so hard about going Vroom Vroom?
Why the hell did I have to go 35 miles an hour all the way home tonight? I worked from 5:30 this morning til 8:00 tonight, and I just got home. I should have been home around 45 min ago. But no, People Suck.
If you are wondering about the title, That is what I yelled about 30 min after pulling up behind these two morons.
I am trying my damndest to get home for Easter. I NEED to see Bobby and Mike. Mike just got engaged recently, and we need to talk about that cause he want's me in the wedding. And I Need to just hang with friends.
Fortunately my boss has approved unlimited overtime, so... I am working from 5 something in the morning til I feel like leaving at night.
I talked to the psychologist. She said that I have alot of unresolved issues (i.e. Vertigo, Major Change, so on) that are causing alot of stress and worryment, though she thought that the vertigo was more a cause than a symptom of the stress/depression/whatever you would call it.
She also told me that I am most likely the type of personality that is driven to do something all the time. The type that gets really upset when idle. I would believe that.
She was worried that I can't remember stuff, and that I drop out mid sentance forgetting what I was saying, though she didn't have an explination or a thought on that. And she also said that the Obsessiveness I have is normal. I am not Obsessive Compulsive. I just have to have things my particular way sometimes. She said that if I don't like being like that then I can change it, it was just ingrained as a child.
So that is basically the past few days. For any of you that actually read this and give a damn. Sorry that I didn't get an update up last night. I just didn't feel like it.
I need to find someone out here to do stuff with. I need a friend out here. The only friend that I have out here lives over an hour away. And that is rough driving, plus the fact that I can't hang out with the people I work with ... equals one bored coop.
And we all know what idle hands are...
If you are wondering about the title, That is what I yelled about 30 min after pulling up behind these two morons.
I am trying my damndest to get home for Easter. I NEED to see Bobby and Mike. Mike just got engaged recently, and we need to talk about that cause he want's me in the wedding. And I Need to just hang with friends.
Fortunately my boss has approved unlimited overtime, so... I am working from 5 something in the morning til I feel like leaving at night.
I talked to the psychologist. She said that I have alot of unresolved issues (i.e. Vertigo, Major Change, so on) that are causing alot of stress and worryment, though she thought that the vertigo was more a cause than a symptom of the stress/depression/whatever you would call it.
She also told me that I am most likely the type of personality that is driven to do something all the time. The type that gets really upset when idle. I would believe that.
She was worried that I can't remember stuff, and that I drop out mid sentance forgetting what I was saying, though she didn't have an explination or a thought on that. And she also said that the Obsessiveness I have is normal. I am not Obsessive Compulsive. I just have to have things my particular way sometimes. She said that if I don't like being like that then I can change it, it was just ingrained as a child.
So that is basically the past few days. For any of you that actually read this and give a damn. Sorry that I didn't get an update up last night. I just didn't feel like it.
I need to find someone out here to do stuff with. I need a friend out here. The only friend that I have out here lives over an hour away. And that is rough driving, plus the fact that I can't hang out with the people I work with ... equals one bored coop.
And we all know what idle hands are...
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