Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Explosives Technologies International

So I had an interview today with ETI... It sounds really neat. I would get to blow shit up. Which is always good I suppose.

I think it went well, I don't ever know really when it comes to interviews. They said it would take about ten to fifteen min, but I was there answering questions for around forty five min. Dunno.

The job would be in STL, South Carolina, North Carolina, California, or even Canada. I don't really want to be that far from Jenni, but it would be good work experience for getting a good job later on.

The pay kinda sucks at 10 to 12 dollars an hour, but they supplement half my housing, and they would also find cheap housing for us at like an extended stay america or something. And there is also the possiblity that I would work with a crew that is on the road constantly, and wouldn't have to pay for a place to live...

Dunno. I'll have to run through numbers if I get the job to see which would be better for the long run.


I signed a lease with Mark, Massive, JR, and JC yesterday. So I'll be living with all them next semester. The cost is realitively close to that of the quad, so I'll have to see what the price difference is and all that jazz... We'll see how all that works out.

I guess all that's left is I am on a diet. I need to lose some weight, and cut my muscles. Rippling Abs... Oh, to be beautiful... : ) ... I would like to be in a 36 or a 34 by my wedding. 34 is probably impossible, but I would like to be at about 18 % Body Fat. I am currently at about 32. I want to be in shape. It would be nice.

That's about it. I'm judging Science Olympiad this weekend, so we'll see how that goes too. I need to call Bobby this weekend and hang with him sometime.

Oh well


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